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Richard Woodman 's Books

A very well recieved series by Richard Woodman are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are William Marshal Guardian of England- The Complete Series, Cold Truth, The Disastrous Voyage of the Santa Margarita, A Brig of War nd-3, Sword of State: The Wielding, The Bomb Vessel, An Eye of the Fleet, A King's Cutter, In Distant Waters, A King's Cutter nd-2, A Ship for The King, The King's Chameleon, The Flying Squadron, In Distant Waters nd-8, Endangered Species, The Corvette, 1805, Baltic Mission, An Eye of the Fleet nd-1, Sword of State: The Remarkable Story of George Monck, A Brig of War, Under False Colours, The Shadow of the Eagle, For King or Commonwealth, A Private Revenge, Beneath the Aurora, which was published in 2022.